Screenshot of the Salient Tailwind UI template. The header contains the TaxPal logo, main site navigation, and 'Sign in' and 'Get started today' buttons. The hero section contains a large page heading and smaller introduction paragraph, followed by two call-to-action buttons labelled 'Get 6 months free' and 'Watch video'.
Tailwind CSS, Next.js, React
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A beautiful landing page template for your next SaaS idea.

Salient is a beautiful landing page template for your next SaaS idea, built with Tailwind CSS and Next.js and designed and built by the Tailwind CSS team. It’s production-ready and easy to customize, making it the perfect starting point for your own project.

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Screenshot of the Salient Tailwind UI template. The visible section contains a heading and short introduction paragraph. The left side of the screen shows a list of clickable features with descriptions. On the right is a screenshot of the TaxPal interface.
Feature section with an app screenshot on the right and three features listed on the left. Clicking each feature updates the app screenshot.
Screenshot of the Salient Tailwind UI template. The visible section contains a heading and short introduction paragraph. Below that is a list of app features arranged in a row, each with an icon, title, and short description. Underneath is a carousel of app screenshots.
Feature section highlighting three features above a slider with app screenshots. Clicking each feature will show the associated screenshot in the slider.
Mobile screenshot of the Salient Tailwind UI template navigation popover. The popover sits on top of the page content and contains a short list of page sections. There is a close button in the upper right corner of the screen.
Mobile screenshot of the Salient Tailwind UI template. The visible section contains a heading and short introduction paragraph. A list of features in arranged in a row and extends off screen. The first item is highlighted. Underneath is a short description and a screenshot of the TaxPal app.
Mobile screenshot of the Salient Tailwind UI template. The visible section contains a heading and short introduction paragraph. There is more text content underneath followed by a screenshot of the TaxPal app.
The Salient template experience on mobile devices, including what the site navigation looks like.
Screenshot of the Salient Tailwind UI template. The visible section contains a centered heading and short introduction paragraph. Below is a grid of user testimonials arranged in three columns. Each testimonial has a quote, name, job role, and user avatar.
Testimonials section featuring six customer testimonials, including headshots, names, and job titles.
Screenshot of the Salient Tailwind UI template. The visible section contains a centered heading and short introduction paragraph. Below is three pricing plans arranged left to right. Each plan has a price, name, short description, feature list, and 'Get started' button.
A pricing table showing three different price tiers with the middle tier highlighted.
Screenshot of the Salient Tailwind UI template sign in page. The left side of the screen contains the TaxPal logo, and a sign in form with email address and password input fields, followed by a submit button labelled 'Sign in'.
The Salient template also includes a login screen with a form to sign in on the left and a large image on the right.