Screenshot of the Spotlight Tailwind UI template. The header contains the main site navigation and a theme toggle button. The hero section contains an author avatar, intro heading and paragraph, and social media links. Underneath is a row of five photographs that extend off screen.
Tailwind CSS, Next.js, React
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A beautiful personal site template by the Tailwind CSS team.

Spotlight is a beautiful personal website template built with Tailwind CSS and Next.js, designed and built by the Tailwind CSS team. It’s production-ready and easy to customize, making it the perfect starting point for your own personal website.

Use this template for your own website

Screenshot of the Spotlight Tailwind UI template. The visible section contains a list of articles on the left side of the screen. Each article has a date, title, summary, and 'read article' link. The right side contains a newsletter section with an email address input field and submit button labelled 'Join'. Below this is a 'Work' section that lists company names and job roles along with company logos and dates.
A list of blog posts next to a sidebar with two items: An email newsletter sign-up form and a CV widget.
Mobile screenshot of the Spotlight Tailwind UI template. The header contains a menu button and theme toggle button. The hero section contains an author avatar, intro heading and paragraph, and social media links. Underneath is a row of five photographs that extend off screen.
Mobile screenshot of the Spotlight Tailwind UI template navigation popover. The popover sits on top of the page content and contains a list of page links. There is a close button in the upper right corner of the popover.
The Spotlight template experience on mobile devices, including the site navigation.
Screenshot of the Spotlight Tailwind UI template about page. On the left side of the screen is a series of paragraphs about the author's life. On the right is a photograph of the author and links to various social media profiles.
About page with an author bio, profile picture, and a list of links to social profiles and email.
Screenshot of the Spotlight Tailwind UI template projects page. The projects are arranged in a grid with three columns and two rows. Each project has a name, a logo, a short description, and a URL. At the bottom of the screen is the site footer with navigation links and a copyright notice.
Detailed CV section showing current and past work engagements.